Last night was truly special, and I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who attended my Money Valentine’s Party! I was overjoyed to see 50 of you turn up for the event, and what touched me the most was the opportunity to empower more women to take charge of their financial future.

Warren Buffett’s Investment Advice for Women

Why Women Make Great Investors (According to Warren Buffett!)

One thing I deeply believe in is changing the way women perceive investing and money management. Many of us tend to leave this responsibility to the men in our lives, thinking that investing requires a sharp mind for numbers or a finance degree. But here’s the truth—even Warren Buffett himself has said:

“The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.”

And guess what? Women naturally have great investing temperaments!

And to all the wonderful men in the room, I know you’ll be generous enough to let me shower praises on the ladies today! In fact, I encourage you to praise and support the women in your life, because a little encouragement goes a long way in boosting their confidence to start investing.

Seeing a growing number of female investors inside the Arigato Investor Community fills my heart with pride. I love witnessing your progress and growth, and I am honored to be part of your financial journey!

Warren Buffett’s Investment Advice for Women gathering

The $1 Million Bet: Why ETF Investing is the Smartest Strategy

During my sharing last night, I talked about the famous $1 million bet Warren Buffett made with a hedge fund manager. To recap: Buffett bet that over 10 years, a simple low-cost S&P 500 index fund would outperform hedge funds that charge high fees.

And guess what? He was right. The S&P 500 returned 85.4%, while the hedge funds returned just an average of 22% after fees.

This proves that you don’t need to be a genius or a Wall Street pro to invest successfully. Most normal investors like you and me can outperform so-called “smart” hedge fund managers just by investing in the market for the long run. That’s why I am a firm believer in ETF investing for beginners! It allows everyday people to grow their wealth without spending hours analyzing financial statements or trading stocks daily.

Warren Buffett’s Investment Advice for Women bet

How ETFs + Options Can Accelerate Your Portfolio Growth

Now, here’s where it gets exciting: when you combine ETFs with options, you can potentially accelerate your journey to financial freedom and portfolio growth! By strategically using options, you can compound your returns to around 15-20% per year!

Curious about how to do this? Join my Free 2-hour “Options to Freedom” Masterclass where I teach you how to use options with ETFs safely and effectively!

Warren Buffett’s Investment Advice for Women buffett bet with hedge fund managers

My Heartfelt Gratitude to You All

Lastly, I just want to say a massive THANK YOU to my incredible community who came all the way to meet me in person and support everything I do. I truly appreciate you for sharing your struggles and challenges with me—I am always learning from you, just as you learn from me.

What amazes me the most is your resilience. No matter what life throws at you:

For that, you are truly amazing!

If no one has told you this lately, let me be the one to say it:

I believe in you.

You will make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones, and you have the power to create the most incredible life possible!

Warren Buffett’s Investment Advice for Women chloe lin arigato investor

I can’t wait to organise more amazing meet-ups like this after my sabbatical leap! If you are keen to find out why I decided to drop everything in Singapore and head to Canada this year for a 6-month sabbatical leap to redefine Financial Independence & Fulfillment, check out my blog post!

With love and gratitude,

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