It’s been a week since I made the decision to take a six-month sabbatical in Canada later this year. Many of you have reached out to congratulate me, calling me courageous for taking this leap. But if I’m being completely honest, I feel a mix of excitement and fear. Because making this decision also means letting go of many things I currently enjoy.

For example, I have to give up the opportunity to speak at Google about investing with AI—I would have loved to share my insights, but I’ll be overseas by then.

I have to step away from my network and connections in Singapore, missing out on potential collaborations that could scale my business further.

I have to leave the comfort of staying with my parents and my helper, which means fully taking care of myself—something that, despite thinking of myself as independent, feels daunting. I grew up in a boarding school in China, so leaving home has never been an issue for me. But leaving the safety of a structured environment—where things are taken care of for me—is different.

This time, I’ll have to put my life together on my own. No more delegating housework or cooking. No more maximizing productivity with the support system I’ve always had. I’ll have to slow down and live life on my own terms. That, to me, is scary. And it makes me admire family men and women even more—those of you who not only take care of yourselves but also provide for your loved ones. (Yes, I’m talking about you—you rock!)

I suddenly feel like a teenager again, about to leave home for university—but this time, I’m preparing for the university of life.

taking a sabbatical chloe lin

Preparing for a Sabbatical: Embracing the Unknown

The universe always sends the right people and lessons at the right time. Recently, I attended my friend Bibiana’s book launch, and something she shared struck a chord with me.

Many people know her as Bibi—the high-achiever, the award-winning strategist, the founder of a seven-figure startup. On the outside, she had everything society told her would bring happiness. But deep inside, she felt a constant wave of anxiety and emptiness.

Then she realized—while everyone knew Bibi, nobody truly knew Anna. Not even herself. Anna was the part of her that remained hidden, the side she had never explored. And that scared her. Who was Anna? What did she truly want? For years, she had chased success as Bibi, but now she had to confront the unknown side of herself.

taking a sabbatical bibiana

So she embarked on a journey to discover Anna—the version of her that existed beyond achievements, beyond expectations. And after 1.5 years of searching, she finally came home to herself. She calls it becoming “BibiAnna.” Complete. Whole. Fulfilled.

Her journey resonated deeply with me. I constantly ask myself: What am I chasing after? I have financial security and material success—things many people work a lifetime to achieve. Yet, I still feel an underlying sense of lack and fear. What is enough? How much is enough? How do I truly feel fulfilled?

I don’t have the answers yet, but knowing I’m not alone in this journey brings me comfort. Bibiana showed me that there’s a different path to discovering what truly makes me feel alive—taking a sabbatical. And that’s why, despite the uncertainty, I’ve decided to go for it.

Words That Made Me Reflect on Taking a Sabbatical

Here are a few powerful excerpts from Bibiana’s book that made me pause and reflect:

“Be unapologetically true to yourself, and you’ll realize that you will find true success.”

“This human experience is once in a lifetime.”

“Give energy to what you truly love, and you’ll experience expansion beyond what you can imagine.”

“What do I really want? What kind of life would feel meaningful to me? What truly makes me come alive?”

“Don’t just live your life. Do what makes you feel alive.”

“Life isn’t a puzzle to be solved. We don’t have to have everything figured out all the time. Life is meant to be an exciting adventure. It’s a constant dance between finding and losing yourself. Everything happens for a reason.”

“Sometimes I need to get out of alignment with the rest of the world in order to get back into alignment with myself.”

“Your heart has been calling for you. It’s time to take that leap of faith.”

taking a sabbatical

I also want to thank my friend Rachel, who listened to my sharing with an open heart. I told her how much I admired my friends who have built beautiful homes, have kids of their own, and are settled in a way that I’m not. But she gave me a different perspective—reminding me that some people might also admire my freedom. The ability to take off on a whim, to live life on my own terms, to embrace adventure with no strings attached. Her words made me pause and appreciate the kind of fortune I do have, rather than falling into the trap of “the grass is always greener on the other side.”

I don’t have all the answers yet. But I do know this: Sometimes, we need to step away from what’s familiar to truly discover who we are.

taking a sabbatical chloe and rachel

You Are Not Alone in Taking a Sabbatical

If you’re feeling lost, wondering about your purpose in life, or questioning what truly fulfills you—I hope my messy reflections remind you that you are not alone. We’re all in this together, navigating this journey in our own ways.

And if you’re looking for more clarity on taking a sabbatical, I highly recommend reading Bibiana’s book. It might just give you the perspective you need to take your own leap of faith.

taking a sabbatica leap book

Build Your Wealth So You Can Take Sabbatical Leaps Too

One of the biggest reasons I can quickly decide to take this six-month sabbatical break is because of my solid investment portfolio. I know that my million-dollar portfolio will continue to compound for me, even when I’m not actively working. This freedom allows me to take a step back, reflect, and pursue what truly makes me feel alive. I am etnerally grateful for that.

If you want to build your wealth the Arigato way—where your money works for you, so you can design the life you truly want—join my FREE 2.5-hour Options to Freedom Masterclass. In this session, I’ll show you how I built a steady, stress-free investment strategy using options and ETFs, so you can start creating financial security for yourself too.

👉 Reserve your spot here.

Here’s to embracing the unknown and preparing for what truly makes us feel alive. 🚀

taking a sabbatical woman power

2 Responses

  1. fr a comical n direct commenter lol.. say so much no use, go there then knw.

    after reading, I think each of us has diff life purpose n fulfillment that this money can’t be solve unless is for funding of ur life purpose n fulfillment. some r donation, some r to explore. some r just simple things, etc.

    I think u might feel off diff coz the other side of u I mean ur inner side of u, ur life purpose r not being an entirely of arigato investor. I think that’s is might what u like to do n is an source of ur financial security but the deep inside of u that u did not feel fulfillment is telling u to explore of what hidden inside of u that can’t be explain or solve by being an arigato investor or by words

    n this might pave u a new path of beginning be it terms of career, or something that u were call of to do apart fr ur current position. in short is ur life call.

    1. I think you are so right. Part of me tells me that just being an Arigato Investor is not enough. I will go and dig deeper and search for more clarity during the trip!
      Thank you so much for your encouragement and insights!

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